Bref apercu sur la filière riz en Afrique de l'Ouest (English version)


The course comes from 2022 Seminar on China-AFrica Rice Value Chain, a policy dialogue co-organised by WFP China COE, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration (NAFRA), CICETE, CERFAM and UNOSSC. This dialogue aims to discuss and exchange insights on China-Africa rice value chain development with a focus on processing, storage and quality control. 


Mr. Sekongo Soungari

Agro Market Analysis/N’Kalô Service Côte D’Ivoire , Rongead/Agricultural Engineer specializing in plant production.

-Long-term consultant at CBI/Netherlands on the transformation of the

 dried mango in Ivory Coast

-Expert in structuring professional agricultural organizations

Supporting Institution

Learner Satisfaction Rating
