Atelier sur la réponse aux inondations et la restauration – cas du Henan


The WFP Centre of Excellence for Rural Transformation and the National Disaster Reduction Center, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China co-organized a workshop on Flood Response and Recovery with a focus on sharing best practices and lessons learned. The workshop covered flood damage and loss assessment, including physical quantity assessment, direct economic loss assessment, and disaster scope assessment. On-the-spot investigations and assessment groups are established after a disaster to assess damages and losses in different areas. The course also discussed the topic of disaster risk reduction and emergency management, highlighting the need for various functions such as preparing plans, monitoring and early warning, hazard assessment, emergency response command, disaster statistics, and information system construction. The National Disaster Reduction Center of China was introduced as a center for natural disaster prevention, research, and monitoring. The course also stressed the importance of monitoring and early warning systems for disaster emergency response and the need for coordinated efforts in disaster risk reduction and emergency management to mitigate the impact of natural disasters.


Katiuscia Fara

Senior Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction Advisor, the World Food Programme

Katiuscia Fara is a Senior Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction Advisor with the World Food Programme in the Asia Pacific region, where she leads a small team working at the nexus between climate, disaster risk reduction and resilience. With over 20 years of experience, Katiuscia's work has focused on climate and disaster risk management, environmental management, poverty reduction and food security with different organizations. A key area of work for Katiuscia is supporting the translation of scientific knowledge into action to empower vulnerable communities to adapt to climate variability and change including early warning systems, digital agrometeorological advisories and climate services.

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